Some budget experiments
I like to build things whenever I can. However, my bank account is limited so this is as far as I can get. There's a lot of other unfinished projects.

Hemholtz Coils
For this little project I laser printed some custom parts and used some leftover sheet metal to create a classic Hemholtz coil. Here, I'm hooking it up to a waveform generator to create magnetic fields.
This was the 3D printed body of a rocket that I designed and mounted for the LAD8x rocket. It ended up going about 8500 feet but due to an error in apogee detection, the parachute launched too early.

CPU Architecture Design
Designed the architecture for a CPU that I hope to eventually manually wire up using logic gate chips and flip-flops. The architecture works and runs every instruction completely. Contact me and I'll be happy to share some of the files.
8-bit Computer using 6502 Microprocesser
(WIP) I had gotten Ben Eater's 6502 over Christmas and had been working on wiring it up. The clock cycle board works. So far you can write into the memory chip and run these 8-bit instructions and watch them flash on the LEDs.

Distortion Pedal
Here's a classic distortion pedal where I used a basic 2N3904 transistor using my own simple design.
Power Supply
Used a computer powersupply to hack together a powersupply station for smaller in-house projects. Too lazy to go to the lab and not rich enough to buy my own power supply.

Milk Crate Computer
Here's a sketchy computer running Ubuntu. Consists of parts mined from older computers, cheap parts from local enthusiasts, and little parts I had to make myself (switch boards).